At a recent gathering of evangelical leaders hosted by the Presbyterian Coalition with the support of other Presbyterian Renewal Network partners, the presenter(s) encouraged and exhorted those in attendance. If we did not yet have a group of intercessors praying for us, especially over the next few months, we had better ask some prayerful people to intercede before the throne of grace on our behalf.
The meeting for the orientation and equipping of like-minded commissioners and overture advocates repeatedly emphasized for me the importance and urgency of the task(s) at hand. In obedience to the Lord, we are to be continually trained as a team to remain in Take Effective Action Mode (T.E.A.M.) in a concerted effort to purposefully and prayerfully participate in cooperation with one another and the Holy Spirit to effect God's will through due diligence in our deliberations concerning our common life together in faith. This requires much prayer in the Lord, shaping the better future God has in mind for God's people at this time and place.
At this month's presbytery meeting in Camp Pyoca, several presbyters were prayed for and commissioned as representatives to the national gathering of the PC(USA)'s General Assembly. Our Presbytery of Whitewater Valley has affirmed nominating and electing me as one among other teaching and ruling elder commissioners and advisory delegates from our presbytery among others from the presbyteries in the Synod of Lincoln Trails (comprising Indiana and Illinois) to represent us at the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), June 29 - July 7, 2012 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Many overtures have been submitted from several presbyteries nationwide concerning a myriad of topics and issues coming before the GA. In a random selection process, (after having been blessed to go on pilgrimage last November in a tour of the Holy Land,) I have now only recently this month been assigned to serve on the committee on Middle East Peacemaking issues. We will also be electing a moderator and vice-moderator of the PCUSA's General Assembly to represent and promote the GA's deliberations for the next two years.
In view of these and recent events in the life of our denomination, for the proclamation of the gospel in the context of issues concerning our society and culture, I strongly urge our participation in raising intercessions before the Lord our God for a fountain of prayers to be lifted up, pleading for God's mercy and grace to preside over our deliberations at this year's assembly.
Please join with us and others in praying for the 2012 General Assembly. One helpful tool for this important work is a 40-day guide of prayers and quotations from the Book of Confessions, prepared by Presbyterian Elders in Prayer. The guide begins on May 20, 2012 and can be found elsewhere in the First Presbyterian church newsletter for May into June.
This 2012 Prayer Guide is a resource to help us together take effective action mode through the 40 days of prayer leading up to the 220th General Assembly (2012) in Pittsburgh, PA. |
"This is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ." (Philippians 1:9-10)
Prayerfully yours, and His,
Pastor Rex
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