Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beauty Will Rise!

In and through these last three months of my beloved wife and sweetheart Melissa's journey of now ultimate healing in eternity, we listened and reflected many times together with the songs of Steven Curtis Chapman, as we have done through much of our 22 years of marriage together in the Lord. As a couple in Christ, we have been so blessed to share with each other the deep love of Jesus and the profound grace of Christ our Lord.


On a recent album, lyrics from the title track resonated with certain themes in our devotions….


Out of these ashes... beauty will rise

and we will dance among the ruins

We will see Him with our own eyes


Out of this darkness... new life will shine...

and we'll know the joy is coming in the morning...

in the morning...beauty will rise!


I can hear it in the distance

and it's not too far away.

It's the music and the laughter

of a wedding and a feast.

I can almost feel the hand of God

reaching for my face

to wipe the tears away, and say,

"It's time to make everything new."


(from "Beauty Will Rise" by Steven Curtis Chapman)


I am envisioning today's service of witness to the resurrection and the life as a celebration, in part, in memory of my bride, but more part of the festive tribute of the Bride of Christ, looking forward to that Day of Christ Jesus when we, together with all the saints throughout time and space, will celebrate at the Great Wedding Banquet Table in eternity. Soli Deo Gloria!


Looking forward to worshiping our Awesome God on this awe-filled day that the Lord has made for us to rejoice and be glad in, I am


Persevering in the Grip of Grace,



Worthy is the Lamb!


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